AWS RDFAHE-1000 Washer Encapsulated Rundown Fixture, 1000 Lb-ft, 1" Sq. Dr.

Price: $ 795.00

AWS RDF Rundown Fixture - Joint Simulators for Torque Testers
Required for accurate torque measurement for power-driven torque controlled tools (electric, hydraulic or pneumatic)
Manufacturer: AWS
Warranty: One Year

Joint Simulators or Run-down-fixtures are required for accurate torque measurement of power torque controlled tools (electric, hydraulic or pneumatic). They simulate real-world application conditions, allowing the power tool motor to ramp-up to freely rotate several times before building resistance to rotation. The resistance will increase until the torque that the tool's clutch is set at is achieved and the tool stalls or shuts off.

They are fabricated from machined steel with the appropriate drive size as needed. Internally it is comprised of a series of Belleville washers, designed to compress as the bolt tightens. By varying the arrangement of these washers, various joint rates can be simulated soft, medium and hard. Unless otherwise, specified, Joint Simulators are configured to simulate a medium joint. The joint rates can be adjusted by the user by changing the orientation of the Belleville washers upside down.

Soft or Hard joints are defined by the degrees of rotation or the increase in torque per degree of rotation. A Soft joint provides a tool more time to operate and typically produces more repeatable test results, conversely the Hard joint provides less time for the tool to operate and typically produces more variation.

    Per ISO 5393;
  • HARD Joint, which is 30 degrees or less of rotation from "snug" to final.
  • MEDIUM Joint, which is generally 180 - 400 degrees of rotation from "snug" to final.
  • SOFT Joint, which is typically 720 degrees or more of rotation from "snug" to final.


  • Threaded bolt and nut body for simulating bolted joint. On Standard, HD and HE models bolt is standard and easily replaceable from multiple sources
  • Compression component is individual Bellville washers that can be arranged to suit desired joint rate.
  • HD models are heat treated alloy steel for long wear characteristic.
  • HE models are for customers who want their components contained, particularly when reversing with high RPM tools. The washers and the nut body are contained and cannot easily come apart.
  • B models are for customers who desire all components contained. Nut, bolt, washers and nut body are all contained.
  • Custom Run-Downs available, inquire
  • Can be supplied with metric bolts, inquire

Run-Down Fixture Models

ModelCapacity*Drive Size**Bolt Head SizeThread Size
RDIOA-5050 Oz-in / 35 N-cm1/4" Male Sq3/16" Female Hex1/4-20
RDIOA-100100 Oz-in / 70 N-cm1/4" Male Sq3/16" Female Hex1/4-20
RDIOA-200200 Oz-in / 140 N-cm1/4" Male Sq3/16" Female Hex1/4-20
RDIA-1010 Lb-in / 113 N-cm1/4" Male Sq3/16" Female Hex1/4-20
RDIA-2525 Lb-in / 282 N-cm1/4" Male Sq3/16" Female Hex1/4-20
RDIA-5050 Lb-in / 5.6 Nm1/4" Male Sq3/16" Female Hex1/4-20
RDIA-100100 Lb-in / 11 Nm1/4" Male Sq3/16" Female Hex1/4-20
RDIA-150150 Lb-in / 17 Nm1/4" Male Sq3/16" Female Hex1/4-20
RDIA-250250 Lb-in / 28 Nm3/8" Male Sq5/16" Female Hex3/8-16
RDIA-500500 Lb-in / 56 Nm3/8" Male Sq5/16" Female Hex3/8-16
RDIA-750750 Lb-in / 85 Nm3/8" Male Sq5/16" Female Hex3/8-16
RDIA-10001000 Lb-in / 113 Nm3/8" Male Sq5/16" Female Hex3/8-16
RDFAHE-5050 lb-ft / 68 Nm1/2" Male Sq5/16" Female Hex3/8-16
RDFAHE-100100 Lb-ft / 135 Nm1/2" Male Sq1-1/8" Male Hex3/4-10
RDFAHE-150150 Lb-ft / 200 Nm1/2" Male Sq1-1/8" Male Hex3/4-10
RDFAHE-250250 Lb-ft / 340 Nm1/2" Male Sq1-1/8" Male Hex3/4-10
RDFAHE-500500 Lb-ft / 677 Nm3/4" Male Sq1.5" Male Hex1"-8
RDFAHE-600600 Lb-ft / 813 Nm3/4" Male Sq1.5" Male Hex1"-8
RDFAHE-750750 Lb-ft / 1016 Nm3/4" Male Sq1.5" Male Hex1"-8
RDFAHE-10001000 Lb-ft / 1355 Nm1" Male Sq1.5" Male Hex1"-8
RDFAHE-20002000 Lb-ft / 2711 Nm1-1/2" Male Sq3/4", 1" or 1-1/2" Female SqNA
RDFAHE-25002500 Lb-ft / 3390 Nm1-1/2" Male Sq3/4", 1" or 1-1/2" Female SqNA
RDFAHE-30003000 Lb-ft / 4067 Nm1-1/2" Male Sq3/4", 1" or 1-1/2" Female SqNA
RDFAHE-50005000 Lb-ft / 6780 Nm1-1/2" Male Sq1-1/2" Female SqNA

* The usable range of the Run-Down varies by tool and application. If you have any concerns, please contact us to review your application.

** 1/4" and 3/8" Drive Run-Down include Bit adapter for 1/4" Drive Tools

lineSpecial Run-Downsline

  • HD Encapsulated Model - The HE series rundown fixture is comprised of a shroud, threaded body, bolt and encapsulated washers.
  • B Encapsulated Model - The B series rundown fixture is comprised of a shroud, encapsulated threaded body, bolt, nut and washers. All components are contained.

Please contact us for more info on our custom run-downs.

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Product Price
AWS RDFAHE-1000 Washer Encapsulated Rundown Fixture, 1000 Lb-ft, 1" Sq. Dr. $795.00



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